Commercial Lending

PRF provides Developers with customize-able financing including but not limited to Pre-Development, Construction, Bridge, and Mezzanine loans. Priority is given to projects that promote deed restricted mixed-income projects where there is a preservation component. Assistance is not limited to projects in Providence.

Types of Products Available to Developers


Financing to cover a variety of expenses prior to development. Typically soft costs such as fees for financing applications, legal, architecture, engineering, and other exploratory work are needed prior to full financing and project start.


Financing to cover the hard costs of construction while awaiting permanent financing. Often, costs from a construction loan will be financed and repaid as part of the permanent funding.


also known as gap funding, PRF can provide the financing needed to make payments or remove existing debt prior to permanent financing is in place.


These loans blend debt and equity in a project to provide a creative solution for times when there will be a substantial gain in equity from the project.

No matter which loan product you are looking for, PRF can help customize our loans to best meet your needs now and into the future.

Preservation Partner

PRF is available for consultation on a variety of fee-for-service historic preservation topics that go beyond loans and grants. Our project managers can assist with developing scopes of work for a historic building rehab, provide referrals to architects and craftsmen with special expertise in preservation, manage your historic rehab projects, offer salvaged materials for your project, and much more. No matter what assistance you need, PRF is a partner with the expertise needed to move a project forward successfully.

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